Thursday, June 28

Best burger mmm #best #burger #london

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Sunday, June 24

Bilo ochen' priyatno poznakomitsa, Moskva )) #byebye#moscow#travel

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Saturday, June 23

Did you not know the REAL reason people do what they do? Emotions. Fact.

I saw this picture on a friends FB wall and my initial reactions was - lol and exactly! 

People make decisions (EVERY DECISION) be it in work/love/life, based on emotions and the facts/story/argument is just there to back up what they really want to do in that sitialtion/in life and for whatever reason. If everyone just admitted that to themselves we'd all live in an simpler, more honest, REAL, and happier society..

Sometimes you dont realise straight away the REAL reason why you are doing what you are doin and what you really want and "yes, logically based on this non emotional reason, this is why I am doing this action" Well guess what, its not. Its based on your emotional want.

How can you be a more effective, better, more real person? How can you be happier, not hurt others around you becuase you understand your actions? 

REFLECT on yourself, UNDERSTAND who you are, WHY you are doing the things you are doing and WHAT is that you want (out of the situation, another person, in life) and ADMIT IT to yourself. COMMUNICATE it to those you respect/love, to the world actually is my view.

Why hide who you really are from from yourself or anyone? 

This is about you and others. Living in the truth means you can now actually start to work to achieve your goals. You will be more effective in achieving them. You will not waste your time or other peoples time because you are honest communicative about what you want. This is respect/love for yourself, giving yourself what you want in life to be happy and its also love/respect for others so they can achieve what they want in life to be happy.

We all make our own paths and follow them, make sure your's is a true path. Sounds airy fairy, but I mean it being fake/untruthful is a waste of life in geneal.

Peach, love, happiness and good fortune to all.

Gorgeous made easy  


Thursday, June 21

Wednesday, June 20

Perspective #moscow #metro #verygorgeous #art

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